I’m a little unwell at the moment. Just a little cold, nothing serious. But nothing like feeling sick and sorry for yourself to give you pause for reflection. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about some lessons that have been swirling around, just out of reach, but some of them are coming into my grasp…
1/ Baby comes first, before anyone else. It’s important for me to set boundaries and prioritise the people and things that matter most in my life.
2/ It’s ok to have high expectations of people, but you also need to be ok with them falling short. You can hope and wish that people will live up to your expectations but they are only human. When they do fall short, don’t give up on holding your standards high. They are there for a reason… but also have a little grace.
3/ Throughout your life people will come and go. Stopping by for a short time, a long time, lessons and love. But at the end of the day it’s only going to be you. You have to be in love with yourself and the life you are creating. You are magic, and your life is an expression of that. The only person you can truly count on is you, so you’d better make damn sure you’ve got your own back.
4/ It’s ok that you’re a walking contradiction. We are complex beings made up of different facets, and it’s okay for them to sometimes seem in conflict with each other. It’s okay to be one way AND the other way. You don’t have to choose. You just are.