The awkward period of ‘in-between’

If I were to tell my 31 year-old self about the life I am living, they would be blown away. The things I visualised, manifested and worked hard for over the past few years have been all been achieved. An apartment near the city, experiencing my first relationship post-separation, an incredible job where I am valued and making a difference, and adventures on home soil and overseas.

I am living the kind of life that at one stage I could only dream about. And that was just a few years ago!

But now I find myself in that awkward space in-between.

That magic-dark.

That period where you’ve outgrown your current situation, but your manifestations are still loading. A space filled with opportunity and angst. Freedom and loneliness. Possibility and fear.

Usually I am very impatient and frustrated during these seasons of my life. But I know with every fibre of my being that everything works out exactly how it’s supposed to, so this time I find myself sinking into the unknown and embracing this period. Life is about the journey and I don’t want to wish this time away.

So while I wait for my dreams to load I’ll be busy revelling in the in-between which is the perfect time lay the foundation of my next evolution.

And you can guarantee I’ll also be filling my heart with absolute gratitude for being exactly where I need to be.

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Hi, I’m Ash

Discover the journey of your dedicated coach

After spending my career in organisations helping people to unlock their potential from a work and career perspective, I am so excited to combine my coaching experience and qualifications with my personal journey to help other women design, and live, a life full of magic!